Oct 1, 2013

End of an Era

Now I've been in Finland for one month but still my mind wonders around the streets of Kyoto. I haven't wanted to post anything here for a while since it only highlights the fact that I'm not in Japan anymore. And thats not a happy thought...

The year I could spent there was way too uplifting to write down in words, so I'll just share some photos of my farewall party and the people I now can call my dear great friends! I hope to meet you again as soon as possible! (And all the friends that couln't come to Sarasa too:)

Me, Tatti, Kan and Tomoyama.

Linn and me with the best mango ginger ales ever! Linn du är bäst!

The always happy Lien and Ryosuke.

The awsome Kazuya and Tao.

Taiki, Keita, Koka, Orika and me. I was so super happy to be able to meet Koka and Orika before leaving!

Lien, the greatest Phu, Go, me and Ryosuke.

Fon and Mew aka T(ha)igers, The sunshines of every single day!

It was kind of difficult to fit in, but more the merrier!
Masa, Mercè, Tomoyama, Linn, Kazu, Oteki, Tao, Go,Phu, Lien, Ryosuke, Fon, Chanti, Rici, Yooka, Mew, Dan, and me.

Linn and Kazuya. Both of you, just come to Finland!

Lien. A face I hoped I had time to take studiophotos of :)

Mew and Tao. How I want to just have our random chats in our lab.

Dan and Chanti. We did many great trips, great chats, great everything! I want to see you soon!

Yooka and Mew. Let's not even go there. THANK YOU!

The happiest Masa and Go. You made our lab feel more like home. I hope to see you soon!

Korean style. Yooka and Rici. I hope to meet you again soon!

Oteki the cool and Kazuya. You have such a personalities! I just want to hang out with you two!


Fon and Chanti. You are great! And Fon. Thank you so much for taking photos in the party! (Most of these photos are taken by her, thank you thank you thank you)

Fon, Mercè, Lien, Mew and me. I just keep repeating. You are great!

Mercè, I'm so happy you joined us and managed to fit in so easily.

Me, Mercè and Fon. Same for you Fon. You fitted in so well and it is a bit unfair that I have one more person to miss.

What would life be without all the blessings? Luckily we don't have to find out :) I luv ya all!

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