Oct 21, 2012


This weekend we (me and some of my classmates) joined a camp held by the product design lab. We rented a very nice house with a tennis court for one night. The place was 2 minutes walk by the Biwa lake which is the biggest in Japan. On saturday we played some tennis, walked by the lake and had some great food!

Nabe is cooked and eaten at the same time.
Many different ingredients are boiled in different soups/sauces.
It was actually really really good :)
And the product design professor brought some sashimi, salmon, squid and one dark fish with japanese name :) Also very very good.
On Sunday morning we played some more tennis and went again to the lake. Our breakfast was rice with raw eggs and some soy sauce. It was a new experience since I have never eaten raw eggs before :)

After leaving the house we went to see a place where they grow apples and different fruits you can pick and buy by yourself. For me it really had that kind of European feeling like in France or Italy.

Nice farming feeling.


Sheeps wondering under the trees.

On our way back to school we stopped once more by this super cool shrine with a big torii inside the lake. There was a motorway between the shrine and lake so you can see the torii also from your car but we stopped to look around.

Great looking patina. My eyes are always drown to these rustic surfaces with paint peeling off.
Some stamps and stickers.
Scary shrine with long tunnel inside.
Roof tiles in the forest.
Great looking wood and text I yet cannot understand.
And there it is, the stunning torii standing alone framing a piece of the mountain view.

Us three and after some time there came some other people to see it too :)
On our way back to Kyoto.
On our way back to Kyoto.
Beautiful sunset at the mountains.
Great weekend with great people and new friends. Now I must run to bed before the school week starts again. Oyasumi!

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